Join Ashley at
Heroic Fitness Adventures

Heroic Fitness Adventures is
located at
6365 Carlson Drive, Suite D, Eden Prairie, MN 55346.

Their mission is to unify fitness and somatics, creating a holistic community that balances science and intuition. Their philosophy centers around achieving harmony through balancing opposites in all aspects of well-being and performance, including stress and recovery, body and somatic viewpoints, and wakefulness and sleep cycles. Join Heroic Fitness Adventures to achieve wellness from the inside out and outside in.

You can join me at Heroic Fitness Adventures for private yoga or studio classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Private Yoga

Sign up for a 60-minute private yoga session with Ashley.

Each private class is tailored to your unique goals. Classes are held in the style of yoga you prefer or focus on myofascial release and can include mindfulness and meditation. They may also combine practices designed to help you target specific areas of concern.

Private Yoga with Ashley is available at 2:00, 3:15, and 4:30
on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.

Studio Classes Offered

Candlelight Calm - 60 minutes

Wednesdays 630-7:30 PM, $25 drop-in

Stave off stress and create a mindful start to your week. Join Ashley for a class designed to calm your body and mind. Using a combination of gentle yoga for movement and stretching with vagus nerve stimulation, you'll encourage your body and nervous system to relax. We'll end our time together by tuning into your intuition and inner wisdom with a guided Meditation or Yoga Nidra practice.

No yoga experience is required. This class is excellent for anyone who could use a little calm in their life.

In this class, we'll use a variety of props and the Coregeous ball, which is provided for in-studio students or available for purchase from Ashley.

MyoYin - 60 minutes

Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 PM, $25 drop-in

MyoYin is not just a practice. It's a journey of self-discovery. This unique blend of myofascial release and yin yoga postures is designed to help you find flexibility that will benefit you both on and off the mat. With the guided use of therapy balls and extended yin holds you'll release tension from tight muscles, increase your range of motion, and relieve pain. MyoYin empowers you to understand your body better and learn how to care for your tired muscles.

We'll target a different area of the body each week: feet, calves, quads, psoas, glutes, back, shoulders, and neck and jaw.

No yoga experience is required. This class is excellent for athletes, couch potatoes, and everyone in between.

In this class, we'll use a variety of therapy balls. These will be provided for in-studio students or available for purchase from Ashley.

“I had a lot of anxiety about my first yoga session because it’s been years since I have done it. The session went great. Ashley was very kind and made it very comfortable. I can’t wait to book more.”

— Jessica

“I have L3-L5 spinal decompression, have had three knee repairs, and a ruptured Achilles tendon repair. Ashley is experienced and tailors movement specifically for me. She works me hard, but it is completely worth it to improve my flexibility and balance.”
